Cabo Verde Carriers

Cabo Verde, also known as Cape Verde, is an archipelago located in the central Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of West Africa. It is located approximately 570 kilometers (350 miles) west of Senegal. The country consists of ten volcanic islands and five islets, all of which are part of the Macaronesia ecoregion.



Cabo Verde has a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The islands experience year-round sunshine and relatively consistent temperatures, ranging from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F). The dry season typically lasts from November to July, while the wet season occurs from August to October.


Despite its arid climate, Cabo Verde is home to a variety of unique plant and animal species. The islands are known for their diverse birdlife, including seabirds, such as the Cape Verde shearwater and the Cape Verde warbler. Marine life is abundant, with dolphins, whales, and sea turtles commonly found in the surrounding waters.

Longest Rivers

Cabo Verde is characterized by its rugged, volcanic terrain, and as such, it does not have any permanent rivers. However, the islands feature seasonal streams and valleys that flow during the rainy season, providing vital water sources for agriculture and local communities.

Highest Mountains

The highest peak in Cabo Verde is Pico do Fogo, located on the island of Fogo. It rises to an impressive height of 2,829 meters (9,281 feet) above sea level and is an active stratovolcano, last erupting in 2014-2015.



The islands of Cabo Verde were uninhabited until the arrival of the first settlers, believed to be of African and possibly Phoenician origin, around 500 BC. These early inhabitants practiced agriculture and fishing, establishing small communities across the islands.

Colonial Era

Cabo Verde’s strategic location made it a key hub for trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the Age of Exploration. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in the 15th century and established the islands as a trading post and center for the transatlantic slave trade.

Independence and Modern Age

Cabo Verde gained independence from Portugal in 1975 and transitioned to a democratic republic. Since then, the country has made significant progress in areas such as education, healthcare, and economic development. Tourism has emerged as a vital sector, attracting visitors from around the world to its pristine beaches and vibrant culture.


Cabo Verde has a population of approximately 560,000 people, with a diverse mix of ethnicities and cultures. The majority of the population is of mixed African and European descent, with Creole being the most widely spoken language. Christianity is the predominant religion, with Catholicism being the largest denomination.

Administrative Divisions

Cabo Verde is divided into two geographic regions: the Barlavento Islands (windward) in the north and the Sotavento Islands (leeward) in the south. These regions are further divided into 22 municipalities, each with its own local government and administrative structure.

Administrative Divisions and Population (2022 estimate)

  1. Boa Vista Municipality – Population: 20,000
  2. Brava Municipality – Population: 6,000
  3. Maio Municipality – Population: 8,000
  4. Mosteiros Municipality – Population: 10,000
  5. Paul Municipality – Population: 8,000
  6. Porto Novo Municipality – Population: 17,000
  7. Praia Municipality – Population: 150,000
  8. Ribeira Brava Municipality – Population: 10,000
  9. Ribeira Grande Municipality – Population: 25,000
  10. Sal Municipality – Population: 45,000
  11. Santa Catarina Municipality – Population: 23,000
  12. Santa Cruz Municipality – Population: 70,000
  13. São Domingos Municipality – Population: 20,000
  14. São Filipe Municipality – Population: 25,000
  15. São Lourenço dos Órgãos Municipality – Population: 15,000
  16. São Miguel Municipality – Population: 25,000
  17. São Salvador do Mundo Municipality – Population: 12,000
  18. São Vicente Municipality – Population: 80,000
  19. Tarrafal Municipality – Population: 25,000
  20. Tarrafal de São Nicolau Municipality – Population: 10,000

10 Largest Cities by Population

  1. Praia
  2. Mindelo
  3. Santa Maria
  4. Assomada
  5. Espargos
  6. Porto Novo
  7. Sal Rei
  8. Pedra Badejo
  9. Cidade Velha
  10. Vila do Maio

Education Systems

Education in Cabo Verde is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 14. The country has made significant strides in improving access to education, with a focus on expanding school infrastructure and increasing literacy rates. The University of Cabo Verde is the country’s primary institution of higher education, offering a range of undergraduate and graduate programs.



Cabo Verde has four international airports, with Amílcar Cabral International Airport on the island of Sal serving as the main gateway for international flights. Other major airports include Cesária Évora Airport on São Vicente and Nelson Mandela International Airport on Santiago.


The country’s main ports are located in Praia, Mindelo, and Sal Rei, facilitating both domestic and international maritime trade. These ports handle a variety of goods, including fish, agricultural products, and manufactured goods.

Country Facts

  • Population: 560,000
  • Capital: Praia
  • Language: Portuguese, Creole
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Race: Mixed African and European
  • Currency: Cape Verdean escudo (CVE)
  • ISO Country Code: CV
  • International Calling Code: +238
  • Top-level Domain: .cv