Attleboro, Massachusetts Weather by Month

Attleboro is a historic city located in Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States. Located in southeastern Massachusetts, Attleboro is part of the Greater Boston metropolitan area and lies approximately 10 miles west of the city of Taunton and 10 miles north of Rhode Island’s capital, Providence. The city is known for its rich history, diverse community, and vibrant downtown area. With its convenient location, thriving economy, and strong sense of community, Attleboro offers residents and visitors alike a welcoming and dynamic place to live, work, and explore.

Geography and Climate

Attleboro is located in the northeastern part of the United States, in the region known as New England. The city’s geography is characterized by rolling hills, wooded areas, and several small bodies of water, including Bungay River and Sevenmile River. Attleboro’s location inland from the Atlantic Ocean moderates its climate, resulting in four distinct seasons with warm summers and cold winters.

Climate and Weather Overview

Attleboro experiences a humid continental climate, with hot summers, cold winters, and moderate precipitation throughout the year. The city’s climate is influenced by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and its inland location, which can lead to fluctuations in temperature and occasional weather extremes.

Average Climate Data

The following table presents average temperature, precipitation, and sunny days for each month in Attleboro, Massachusetts:

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 32 3.8 7
February 35 3.5 7
March 42 4.5 7
April 53 4.0 7
May 64 4.0 8
June 73 4.0 9
July 79 4.1 9
August 77 4.1 8
September 70 3.6 7
October 59 3.9 6
November 48 4.3 5
December 36 3.8 6

Weather by Month


January in Attleboro is typically cold and snowy, with temperatures averaging around 32°F. Precipitation is common, with an average of 3.8 inches of snowfall. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Indoor activities like visiting museums, attending concerts, and cozying up with a book by the fireplace are also popular choices during this month.


February sees similar weather patterns to January, with cold temperatures and occasional snow showers. The average temperature rises slightly to 35°F, while precipitation levels remain relatively consistent at 3.5 inches. Outdoor enthusiasts can continue to enjoy winter sports like snowshoeing and sledding, while those seeking indoor entertainment can explore art galleries, attend theater performances, or participate in cooking classes.


March marks the transition to spring in Attleboro, with temperatures gradually warming up and signs of new life emerging in nature. The average temperature rises to 42°F, but precipitation increases to 4.5 inches, often in the form of rain rather than snow. Residents can take advantage of the milder weather by hiking in local parks, biking along scenic trails, or attending outdoor festivals and events. March also offers opportunities for gardening, birdwatching, and exploring historic sites.


April brings milder temperatures and the arrival of spring blooms in Attleboro. The average temperature climbs to 53°F, with precipitation levels remaining consistent at 4.0 inches. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as gardening, picnicking in local parks, and visiting botanical gardens to admire the colorful displays of flowers. April also offers opportunities for spring cleaning, outdoor sports like baseball and tennis, and participating in Earth Day events and initiatives.


May in Attleboro is characterized by warmer temperatures and increasing sunshine, making it an ideal time to explore the outdoors and enjoy recreational activities. The average temperature reaches 64°F, with precipitation averaging 4.0 inches. Residents can engage in a variety of outdoor pursuits such as hiking, fishing, and kayaking on local waterways. May also offers opportunities for attending outdoor concerts, farmers markets, and community events celebrating the arrival of spring.


June marks the beginning of summer in Attleboro, with warm temperatures and longer daylight hours perfect for outdoor adventures and leisure activities. The average temperature rises to 73°F, with precipitation levels remaining consistent at 4.0 inches. Residents can spend their days hiking in nearby state parks, swimming at local beaches, and enjoying picnics in scenic spots. June also offers opportunities for attending outdoor festivals, visiting farmers markets, and dining al fresco at waterfront restaurants.


July sees similar weather patterns to June, with warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine ideal for outdoor recreation and relaxation. The average temperature reaches 79°F, with precipitation levels increasing slightly to 4.1 inches. Residents can take advantage of the summer weather by swimming, boating, and fishing in local lakes and ponds. July also offers opportunities for attending Fourth of July celebrations, outdoor barbecues, and fireworks displays.


August maintains the warm and sunny weather of summer in Attleboro, with temperatures averaging 77°F and plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and leisure. Residents can enjoy activities such as hiking in state forests, biking along scenic trails, and exploring local parks and nature reserves. August also offers opportunities for attending outdoor concerts, visiting agricultural fairs, and participating in recreational sports leagues.


September brings the transition from summer to fall in Attleboro, with temperatures starting to cool and the landscape adorned with vibrant autumn colors. The average temperature drops to 70°F, while precipitation levels decrease slightly to 3.6 inches. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as apple picking, leaf-peeping drives, and hiking in state parks. September also offers opportunities for attending fall festivals, visiting cider mills, and taking scenic train rides through the countryside.


October heralds the peak of fall foliage season in Attleboro, with spectacular displays of red, orange, and gold covering the landscape. The average temperature decreases to 59°F, while precipitation levels increase to 3.9 inches. Residents can immerse themselves in the beauty of autumn by hiking in state forests, exploring pumpkin patches, and attending harvest festivals. October also offers opportunities for apple picking, visiting haunted attractions, and enjoying seasonal treats like cider and donuts.


November brings cooler temperatures and the transition to late fall in Attleboro, with the landscape adorned with russet hues and occasional frosty mornings. The average temperature drops to 48°F, while precipitation levels increase to 4.3 inches. Residents can enjoy outdoor activities such as raking leaves, preparing gardens for winter, and taking nature walks to admire the changing scenery. November also offers opportunities for attending harvest festivals, baking holiday pies, and volunteering for community Thanksgiving dinners.


December marks the onset of winter in Attleboro, with cold temperatures and occasional snowfall creating a picturesque holiday atmosphere. The average temperature drops to 36°F, while precipitation levels decrease slightly to 3.8 inches. Residents can embrace the festive season by decorating their homes, attending holiday markets, and participating in outdoor activities such as ice skating and sleigh rides. December also offers opportunities for attending Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, singing carols, and baking cookies for Santa Claus.

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